
Trent Young's CE


Let your light shine

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Girls' Football Success

    Sat 20 May 2023

    A huge well done to our Yr 5/6 girls' football team for winning the Sherborne area cluster tournament this afternoon. In very warm conditions, they played amazingly as a team - not losing a game and not even conceding a goal! Well done girls!!

  • Sports Day

    Sat 20 May 2023

    Well done to Blue Team who won our Sports Day yesterday!! The day started with all children taking part in a range of field events, including welly wanging and an obstacle course. We then moved to the track for sprints. All children gave their races their maximum effort and we saw some very impressive and close races! Finally, we were very impressed to see each class compete in the relay and I think we got every single baton around safely (more than can often be said in the Olympics!). Thank you to everyone who came along to support as the atmosphere was absolutely electric! 

  • Coronation Celebrations

    Fri 05 May 2023

    Wow, what a day! We started the day with KS2 being joined by Mr Richens and Mr Bryant to learn about the different flags and standards that we see so often before raising our coronation flag on the village green. We then set about praying for good weather over lunchtime.

    With the rain staying just over the horizon, the tables were out for our playground coronation party. We were lucky to be led in our National Anthem by some amazing musicians from Sherborne Girls who then continued playing over lunchtime. Thank you so much for your time and effort - it made our lunchtime so special.

    With a few specks of raining falling, we moved to the hall for a musical interlude with a sneak preview of KS2's summer performance of Annie, an excellent rendition of The Lord's My Shepherd, and then an incredible re-enactment of the coronation from Hedgehog Class - they acted out their parts so well and remembered their lines brilliantly (including some very tricky words, including sceptre and monarch!).

    As has become tradition at these sorts of events, country dancing and maypole dancing followed, with everyone enjoying clapping along and dancing with huge smiles on their faces.

    The day finished with the children being presented with a badge commemorating the coronation, before we headed outside to plant a horse chestnut tree (planted by our oldest and youngest children).

    Thank you to Mr and Mrs Casely for kindly donating the horse chestnut tree, to Sherborne Girls for your fantastic music, and to the ever-incredible Friends of Trent School for everything they did to make the day success!

  • Yr 3/4 Football Tournament

    Tue 02 May 2023

    A huge well done to our Yr 3/4 footballers for representing us so well this evening at the cluster tournament. We won the plate competition, having won three games (and only losing and drawing once in two very close games against the two eventual finalists!) We scored some great goals, played our positions very well and showed some excellent skills. It was also brilliant to see the children showing brilliant sportsmanship and enjoying it with a smile on their faces.

    As the football season draws to a close, thank you to everyone who has been involved this season! We've had a very successful season with more children being involved in a team than I can ever remember in my time at Trent. We've seen games involving so many children from across KS2, including a very successful season for our girls' football team, who lost to the eventual winners to the North Dorset Davison cup competition.

    Thank you too to our football kit sponsors Sherborne Turf for always keeping us looking so smart - the children always feel so proud to pull on the kit!
