
Trent Young's CE


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  • Tag Rugby and Netball vs Bradford Abbas

    Sat 23 Sep 2017 Ben Hamblin

    On Wednesday, Trent faced their first sports fixtures of the season against Bradford Abbas.


    Tag Rugby

    In the first 5 minutes of the tag rugby, Bradford Abbas scored three tries. Next, we scored five tries with Will, Khai and Tom scoring one try each and Peter scoring twice. The whistle blew marking half time and the score was 8-5 to Bradford Abbas.

    In the second half, Peter scored again and Bradford scored, making it 9-6 to Bradford Abbas. Then another 2 tries from Tom and Will brought the score to 9-8 still to Bradford Abbas. But we still had hope. Ben scored a try to draw level at 10-10. Melissa came close to a try but unfortunately went in to touch. But with only seconds before the end of the match, Will scored the winning try! The whistle blew and a win for the first game and a great start to the season!



    In the first quarter of our match against Bradford Abbas, Lily in goal-shoot and Vienna in goal attack scored three goals between them and pulled ahead early on, with the ball only reaching Bradford Abbas’ net once.  

    In the second quarter, it was back and forth at all times between us going down each end. Bradford Abbas were close to a goal many times but just missed, bouncing back off the ring and in to our hands. They were stepping up their game and were calling out to each other more. Our whole team was trying our best to intervene between their passes and we managed to reach the ball before they did many times.

    In the third quarter, they tried even harder, managing to get one goal past us changing the score to 3-1 with us still in the lead. After they scored, they had even more hope making it harder for us to steal the ball.

    Bradford Abbas kept playing well until the end, but Trent did not lower their guard and the whistle blew 3-1 to us!


    Reports by Ben R and Vienna
